Upgrading to IAP SDK V21 from Unity
Updating library files to support Android OS from v19
However, if only the library files are replaced, new functions provided in IAP SDK v2, such as multiple purchases and subscriptions, may be unavailable.
Delete the v19 library files.
Remove elements from AndroidManifest.xml
Assets > Plugins > Android > AndroidManifest.xml Remove ProxyActivity and iap_version metadata.
Add the library files to the folder below.
Upgrade to use the new features of IAP SDK v21
Delete the files added from v19 ".unitypackage"
Remove elements from AndroidManifest.xml
Assets > Plugins > Android > AndroidManifest.xml Remove ProxyActivity and iap_version metadata.
Remove GameObject
Remove the GaaIapCallbackManager GameObject. In Unity Plugin with v21 applied, you no longer need to manually add GameObjects. If you have done all of the above, you are ready to apply the IAP SDK v21. Now, you can apply by referring to the guide for Using ONE store IAP from Unity.
Last updated