The ONE store Developer Center provides various security measures to ensure the safe management of valuable assets of sellers through ID/password-based authentication and offers the option to configure the optimal security environment considering the work environment.
Types of Security
Two-factor authentication settings
Login permission by country
Password change notification
Two-Factor Authentication Settings
This is a two-factor authentication service where, after entering your username and password during login, you must also input the authentication code issued through your pre-registered email address in order to login.
Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication
After login, click on 'Security > Two-Factor Authentication Settings' in the menu.
Under the 'Two-Factor Authentication Settings' section, click on the 'Set up' button.
Enter the 'Email Address' for two-factor authentication and click 'Next.'
After verifying your email address, click 'Confirm.'
Disabling Two-Factor Authentication
After login, click on 'Security > Two-Factor Authentication Settings' in the menu.
In the 'Two-Factor Authentication Settings' section, click the 'Disable' button.
Enter the authentication code sent to your email and click 'Confirm.'
Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication for Sub-Account
After login, click on 'My Account > Sub-Account Management' in the menu.
Click on the sub-account ID.
Click on the 'Set up' button under 'Two-Factor Authentication Settings.'
Enter the email address for two-factor authentication and click 'Next.'
Confirm the sub-account and email address, then click 'Confirm.'
Disabling Two-Factor Authentication for Specific IP Only
On the login screen, if you select 'Disable two-factor authentication login on this IP' during the two-factor authentication process, you can login with just a password from the next login.
Please use this feature only in secure connection environments.
If you wish to disable this function, delete the 'Access permission IP' in 'Security > Two-Factor Authentication Settings.'
Login Permission by Country
This feature allows login from specific countries based on the IP information when accessing the Developer Center. It can also be set for sub-accounts. If your access country changes due to overseas business trips, make sure to update your settings in advance.
Setting Up Login Permission by Country
After login, click on 'Security > Login Permission by Country' in the menu.
In the 'Permitted country settings' section, select 'Permitted country designation (up to 5 countries).'
Choose the countries you want to allow login from on the left country list and click the '>' button.
Confirm the 'Selected Country List' and click 'Save.'
Disabling Login Permission by Country
After login, click on 'Security > Login Permission by Country' in the menu.
In the 'Permitted country settings' section, select 'Do not designate.'
Click the 'Save' button.
Password Change Notification
You can receive notifications via email when the password for your main account or sub-accounts is changed.
Setting Up Password Change Notification
After login, click on 'Security > Password Change Notification' in the menu.
In the 'Notifications' section, select 'Use.'
After verifying the configured email address, click 'Confirm.'
If you receive a password change notification but haven't changed your password, please reset your password through 'Find password.'
Disabling Password Change Notification
After login, click on 'Security > Password Change Notification' in the menu.
In the 'Notifications' section, select 'Do not use.'
Click 'Confirm.'
Last updated