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Last updated
Re-registration of the same app is not possible due to ONE store classifying apps based on the package name. In addition, even if the package name is changed and registered, the ONE store policy does not allow this, as two or more of the same app being installed on a customer’s device can cause confusion.
Re-registration of the same app is not possible due to ONE store classifying apps based on the package name. In addition, even if the package name is changed and registered, the ONE store policy does not allow this, as two or more of the same app being installed on a customer’s device can cause confusion.
Apps that use 3rd party purchase must provide users with a purchase ID (developer's purchase ID to identify the purchase) “when 3rd party purchase has been completed.” The ONE store Review Team (in the payment completion screen and in the email notification) uses the purchase ID to check whether the transaction details have been delivered properly to ONE store when the app's 3rd party purchase has been completed/canceled. For more information, please check .
As the provider of purchase changes in the payment method, the ONE store does not allow the conversion of the payment method from previously sold product because of the confusion from customers. Conversely. It is also not allowed to sell products using the ONE store in-app payment module to 3rd party payments and vise versa.
Mixed use between ONE store in-app payment and external payment can cause confusion for customers because of customer's complaints, such as checking purchase details or canceling purchases. Therefore, hybrid purchase method using ONE store in-app payment and external payment are not allowed.
In case you have legal changes like below through revising descriptions, Yes we need to check this change affect to legal violation or not, you don't need to apply review for your apps.
To service a location-based service application, the first thing you should do is to check if the user location information is collected by the server.
If the application collects location information, when the application is first executed, the application must clearly notify the user of what information is collected and what services are provided, and the application must get agreement from the purchaser. (Agreement UI form: Users must be able to choose whether to agree or not by touching separate buttons before the location information is collected.)
Relevant Notice: Update guide for review and registration of location information collecting product of location-based application
Please check more details like below
To complete the questionnaire : Apps > Applications (select the app) > Main Information (category)
Classifised rating result after answering questionnaire could not be use at the other storefront or countries
If an 18+ rating(Not permitted for use by juveniles) is determined through the survey, a rating classification application must be submitted to the Game Rating and Administration Committee in accordance with the law.
Rating classification result will be set based on your answer to questionnaire, which is provided by GRAC
Developer have to answer to each questionnaire based on 'fact'. In case the answer is identified as 'fallency', ONE store and GRAC may restrict the sale of an app or adjust the ratings.
If your application is disapproved by the review, you can check the reasons for disapproval through e-mail or 'Apps> Applications > App info > App Review'. Additional inquiries regarding the reason for rejection can be made at the ONE Store Developer Center > Help > Technical Support > App Review. Your inquiry will be checked and responded to by the review representative
If the Request for Review button is inactive even after entering all the information required for app registration, please check whether any of the following cases apply.
If there are any in-apps that have not undergone Sandbox payment testing(check “Test Status Y” after the payment testing)
If the app has been approved and is currently Ready to Publish(review can be requested after sales start)
If the binary has not been updated or registered (if there is no change in the existing binary, review can be requested upon re-registration after deleting the binary
Requests for review can only be canceled before the review begins. Once the review has started, the request cannot be canceled
To cancel a request for review: APPS > Applications > Select App > App Review > “Cancel Request for Review” button
If the review has already been approved and the app has been distributed, withdrawal/restoration or recovery is not possible. However, if the app binary has not been distributed by setting the sales start option to “direct application” or “reservation application,” “canceling a reservation” is possible
To cancel a reservation: Developer Center > APPS > Click on the app > Reservation Information.
Errors with running the app
If operational errors are causing disruptions with running the app, leading to forced shutdowns or connectivity issues.
Links to other application markets
ONE store does not allow irregular promotion techniques that harmful to users or ONE store developers eco system, such as product installation, download or update via outside ONE store
In-App Purchase related
If the app price is not displayed in Korean Won (KRW)
If there is a discrepancy between the in-app price listed in the app compared to the price displayed on the payment page
When trying to withdraw from a subscription, but you are notified that the app subscription cannot be withdrawn
3rd party payment related
ONE store '3rd party payment API' is not deployed to your product or payment record is not transferred to ONE store server
Developer has checked his product as 'Not a 3rd party payment' but actual product has applied 3rd party payment
Non-compliance with the policy on the collection and use of personal information
If the terms and conditions for the collection and use of personal information and consent procedures are not implemented in apps collecting personal information
Non-compliance with the notification standards of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family for random chat apps
If the standards announced by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family for random chat apps (membership management/conversation storage/report function) are not implemented
Update history is displayed only when “update information” is entered when requesting a review. If you are not able to “update information,” please send us the following information through the Developer Center, and we will provide assistance
Update date:
Update content:
To make an inquiry: Developer Center > Help > Technical Support > Category > App review
When an app with 3rd party payment “active” has been reviewed, an email requesting cancellation of external payment will automatically be sent from the system, and the test payment details can be checked using the link in the email. If the test payment details cannot be found, please ignore the request as the actual 3rd party payment test has not been conducted.
In accordance to the ONE store-Naver search linkage policy, exposure of certain apps in Naver's integrated search may be restricted (refer to the examples below)
Strategic game apps
Chat/blind dating apps
Promotional apps for a specific business, product or region, community, etc.
Comics, novel series or series-type products, such as karaoke, ringtones, and wallpapers
Sensational products, such as sexy photo books
Gambling-related games that are prohibited to teenagers (GoStop, poker, etc.)
If improvements or policy violations are identified during monitoring even after the app has been sold, we will notify you through the "post-review results." Follow-up procedures may differ depending on the rating given
Recommendation for revision: If we have recommendations that we believe will help improve the quality of the app, we may advise you to consider implementing revisions. Although it is not compulsory, revisions are recommended to help improve the quality of the app
Warning: If a minor policy violation has been identified, the app will still be available for sale, but corrective action will be required. The accumulation of warnings may lead to restrictions on app sales
Prohibited from sales: If a serious policy violation has been identified, the app will immediately be “prohibited from sales” and from being distributed to users. Sale can be resumed only when the proper explanation and action of the seller is confirmed.
In the case of an application that uses location information, ONE store checks the part related to the use of location information in advance. For more information, please refer to
In accordance with , ONE store provides independent game rating classification service based on questionnaire system, which provides GRAC. Therefore, game developers can rate its game age rating answering simple automatic questionnaire.
If there is objection to classification rating, please contact
It is possible to upload a binary that has been uploaded on Google Play to ONE store, as it is. however, if your product violate '' or '', it can be rejected based on these policy
For more information on Naver’s search exposure guidance, please contact .
Basic Information
Search Keyword
When information has been changed
Applying Android Auto
When changing to “yes”
App Type and Content Ratings
When changing the app type to “game”
When changing the rating from 18+ to another rating
Location Information
When changing to “yes”
When modifying the certificate of completion of report
Personal Information
When changing to “yes”
Intellectual Property Rights
When changing to “yes”
When modifying documents of legal evidence
Countries / App Pricing
Country of Distribution
When adding a country
New Binary
Signing Key
When setting a signing key
Add a New Binary
When registering a binary
When registering an In-App
Services that collect/use location information
If the location information is transmitted to the server, attach the location information business certificate
If not, agree not to transmit location information.