Developer Guides
ONE store developer center API
We at ONE store provide Android Software development kits (SDK) and resources (API) which Android developers can use. We continue our efforts to expand the scope of support for the developers.
Old version IAP Guide
ONE store In-App API V5(SDK V17)
ONE store In-App API V4(SDK V16)
ONE store developer guide
ONE store developer center provides several link formats that let you bring users to your products page on T store, olleh market and U+store together in the way you want. You can jump users to app detail page, review page and even download your free apps automatically. If you are linking from an Android app, you can also control whether the link launches the OneStore application or the browser, which takes the user to the ONE store website.
ONE store 3rd party payment guide
In addition to ONE store IAP, ONE store support 3rd party payment method too. The 3rd party payment is an enabler for payment service provided by the seller through 3rd party Payment Gateway (PG), such as PayPal, without ONE store’s in-app payment module (in-app SDK).
ALC (Application License Checker) SDK guide
With the ALC service, you can check in real-time if customers using the app have a valid license, and then determine whether additional use is appropriate.
Icon Guide
Store app icon and download badge guidelines
The store app icons and download badges provided are as follows.
ONE store
Enjoy Store
This is the policy and production guide for the use of ONE store app icons and download badges.
App icon and BI badge guidelines
Production an app icon
Please refer to the production standards and precautions of the icon guidelines for production.
Use of BI badges for ONE store display
App for ONE store display the ONE store BI badge on the app icons.
Please refer to the Icon Badge Guideline for design.
Last updated