ONE GameLoop Distribution
The product can release not only ONE store but ONE GameLoop and that have already been released can be released. (APK game binary only)
Pre-work to release ONE GameLoop
Only products currently on release in ONE store can be distributed.
It is a 'free product' among the products currently on release in ONE store. Also ONE GameLoop can be distributed additionally only if there is an 'in-app product'.
This is only possible if the component contains a 32-bit capable ABI. (32bit ABI: armeabi-v7a, x86)
If you want to distribute it to ONE GameLoop, please let us know by 'Inquiry' or e-mail.(
After internal review, you can register the sales information when the approval is completed.
Consent of special ONE GameLoop agreement
Step 1 : Please click the ONE GameLoop button at the bottom after sign in.
Step 2 : You have to agree with both special ONE GameLoop agreement and the provision of personal information to a third party to distribute ONE GameLoop.
Register to ONE GameLoop
Step 1 : Please add an ONE GameLoop image when the approval is completed.(1072*600, 1MB) (Location : APPS > Applications > App Info)
Step 2 : Please proceed with the 'Request for review' the initial distribution to ONE GameLoop. Please select the 'Request for review' button at the top of the page to proceed with verification. 'Request for review' button activation condition : Upload new binary or modify product search keyword. Test whether play is possible in a PC environment. Depending on the game, there is a difference in the review time required.
Step 3 : When the 'review' is complete, the 'publish' button is activated. When you click the 'publish' button, the product will be released to ONE GameLoop. When the product is released to ONE GameLoop, the button changes to 'Unpublished'.
Step 4 : After the product is released to ONE GameLoop, you do not need to 'request review' it separately for ONE GameLoop. You can do 'request review' only once same as before. (When review is completed, it will be released to ONE store and ONE GameLoop at the same time.
Step 5 : If you want to suspend only ONE GameLoop, click the 'Unpublished' button in App Info. If you click the button, it will stop only ONE GameLoop and not affect ONEstore.
The service fee for ONEStore and ONE GameLoop is the same.
You can check the 'sales report' in Payments > Sales Report.
You can check the relevant data from the Statistics menu.
Last updated