Preparatory Work
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Log in to ONE store on the 'Developer Center > APPS' page and register a product by clicking the 'Register App' button. Once the product is registered, App ID (AID) will be issued.
Only the members who have registered their information for payment are allowed to register in-app products (refer to 'ONE store Developer Center Reference > Support > Reference > Memeber' part).
Location: Developer Center > Manage Your Information > Your Information > Information for Payment
After registering your information for payment, you are required to get approval from the operator, and then you will be permitted to modify your information for payment and sell paid products.
All registration documents should be uploaded after being scanned and zipped, and the size of up to 2MB file can be attached.
Register In-App Products
App ID (AID) and In-App ID are required to use IAP, and you can register in-app products on the 'Developer Center > APPS> In-App' page.
Individual Registration of In-App Products
Register information of an in-app product you will sell in an app by clicking the 'Register In-App' button.
step1> Register and double-check the In-App ID . The In-App ID must be a unique value within the app. Once registered, the In-App ID cannot be modified. It can consist only of lower case letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), underline (_), and dot (.) and must start with a
step2> Enter the title of an in-app product which will be sold in the 'In-App Title'.
step3> Select either 'Managed Product' or 'Subscription' from the 'In-App Type <link>'> (3.In-App Purchase Process)
step3> The 'In-App Path' information is used later for review, and therefore enter the path in which the in-app product is located.
step4> Enter the in-app price with VAT included in the 'In-App
step5> If all inputs are completed, click the 'Save' button
step1> Download a batch registration form file.
step2> Fill in in-app product information in the downloaded form.
step3> Upload the form file which has the in-app product information by clicking the 'Batch Registration of In-App Products' button.
step4> Check a list of the registered in-app products.
Note: Up to 50 In-App products can be registered on the downloaded In-App product batch registration form. If you need a registration for more than 50 In-App products, please divide the registration by 50.
License Key : it is used to check whether the payment details delivered from the App Store are forged/falsified.
OAuth Credential : it is used to perform authentication when calling the server API.
You can download ONE store In-App Purchase API V5 sample at Github
There are two methods to add the IAP library: adding either the AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language) file (direct implementation of API V5) or the API V5 SDK.
You can select one of these two approaches depending on IAP implementation methods.
Add API V5 Service AIDL File
Export and paste the 'IInAppPurchaseService.aidl' file included as an attached file in the location of ''/src/main/aidl/com/onestoe/extern/iap' in the app project of developers.
If the API V5 SDK is used, since the IInAppPurchaseService.aidl file is already included in the SDK, it is not required to add the API V5 Service AIDL file mentioned above.
Download the jar file(eg. iap_plugin_v17.01.00_20180206.jar) included as an attached file, and then place it in the 'libs' directory within the project in which this file is under development.
The manifest file settings required for using API V5 are as follows.
(Required) add the API version: it is required to explicitly declare IAP V5.
<application ...... > <meta-data android:name="iap:api_version" android:value="5"
(Optional) designate the payment screen UI: the API version 5 supports a payment screen UI in the pop-up format.If a pop-up value is entered in the iap:view_option as seen below, the payment window will pop up. If no value is set, it will be perceived as the full screen (android:value="full") by default.
<meta-data android:name="iap:view_option" android:value="popup | full"
The ONE store service (OSS) app is required to allow developers and users to use ONE store's IAP. The OSS is mounted by default on Android smartphones which were launched through mobile carriers (SKT, KT, U+). However, when it comes to the terminals (including Pixel) or tablets which have been developed for overseas and were not launched via the mobile carriers, ONE store's apps are not installed on them.Depending on the situation of terminals which develop ONE store's IAP modules, you are required to maintain the updated OSS by using the following guides.
Smartphones Launched by Mobile Carriers As for Android smartphones which have been launched via mobile carriers, the ONE store apps are mounted on them by default. Using the ONE store client (OSC), an app built in by default, developers can update ONE store's apps to the latest version. You can update the OSC and the OSS by executing ONE store (or T Store or Olleh Market or U+ store) installed on smartphones. (caution: automatic update may not work for old terminals)
Smartphones & Tablets Developed for Overseas and Manufacturer distribution devices Since ONE store apps are not embedded by default on the smartphones or tablets which have been developed for overseas and devices which are distributed by manufacturer, you are required to download and install the OSC and the OSS.Install the ONE store apps necessary for IAP development by clicking the following link. (Only open on mobile) Go to download the OSC and the OSS (caution: ONE store API V5 works on Android devices which have Android OS version above 4.0. Check the OS version of the terminals before connecting to the IAP module.)
If you click the 'Credentials' button on the 'Developer Center >Apps > In-App' page, a pop-up window will come up and you can confirm the content of license key.