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This document describes how to add ONE store IAP to app by using ONE store IAP SDK.
IAP SDK provides the PurchaseClient class for more convenient and intuitive use.
For the way to add the SDK to development project, refer to the following steps.
Download the In-App purchase SDK library file, and then export this file into the ‘libs’ folder within the developer’s app project.
Export the global-appstores.json file into the ‘assets’ folder.
Add the following line to the dependency section of the app's build.gradle file.
ONE store billing screen provides both types of full (vertically fixed) and pop-up (vertical & horizontal) screens.
If you want the pop-up billing screen, add meta-data and set the “popup” value in "iap:view_option".
If no value is set, it is equivalent to setting the full screen (android:value="full") by default.
Initialize & connect ONE store IAP
To request billing to ONE store, you first need to connect to ONE store Service (OSS) with the steps below.
Generate the PurchaseClient instance by calling PurchaseClient.newBuilder(). Enter the current Activity’s Context information when generating PurchaseClient. In addition, you need to register PurchaseUpdatedListener in setListener() to receive the value for the purchase. setBase64PublicKey() is an optional value, however it is recommended to use. When public key is entered, this optional value performs signature verification in the SDK to confirm whether the purchase data is forged or falsified.
Connect to OSS through startConnection. You must implement PurchaseClientStateListener to be able to receive the response when the client setup is completed and when you are ready to make additional requests.
When the client connection is cut, onServiceDisconnected() will be called up. Re-define and implement the response method to be able to connect to the disconnected OSS and to make it try the connection again on its own. For instance, the connection to PurchaseClient might be cut after having been left in the background for a long time. If this happens, you need to connect again by calling up the PurchaseClient.startConnection() method before making additional requests.
The following example shows how to start the connection and perform the test to see if it is ready to use.
If the connection between the app and OSS is disconnected, it is better to redefine the onServiceDisconnectied() method to allow the method to try the connection again on its own.
All the methods of PurchaseClient must be executed while the connection is maintained.
And when Activity ends, you must enter the code to get PurchaseClient terminated at the onDestory() method. If the bound service is not removed, then the generated connection will continue, and thereby might cause problems in the app performance.
In-app ID issued when registering the in-app will be used to search the in-app product details. You can search the in-app product details by using queryProductDetailsAsync().
When calling this method, you must generate the instance of ProductDetailsParams and specify the in-app IDs in the form of ArrayList in setProductIdList().
Furthermore, you must input the in-app type to check the in-app product details.
There are two types of in-app: Managed product (ProductType.INAPP) and Monthly auto-renewal product (ProductType.AUTO). Enter ProductType.ALL to check both types of in-app.
To check the in-app product details, the app uses the in-app ID, which has been defined when the in-app is registered on ONE store Developer Center. For details, refer to Developer Center.
You must implement the ProductDetailsListener interface to check the in-app product details.
If the in-app product details are successfully received, IapResult.getResponseCode() becomes ResponseCode.RESULT_OK and sends the response in the ProductDetail list format.
The following example shows how to check the in-app product details and receive the response.
p50000, the in-app ID in the example, indicates non-consumable in-app in this document. To configure the non-consumable in-app, you must not consume the in-app but acknowledge the purchase only. The in-app ID of p5000 indicates consumable in-app in this document. The consumable in-app must be process as ‘consumed’ to be repurchased.
The app must manage the list of the in-app IDs through its own security back-end server.
You can search the response code and check the relevant error code by using IapResult.getResponseCode().
To request purchase in the app, call the launchPurchaseFlow() in UI thread.
During calls, enter the in-app ID (productId) and in-app type (ProductType.INAPP for Managed product, and ProductType.AUTO for Monthly auto-renewal product) in PurchaseFlowParams.
Also input develperPayload(up to 200byte) randomly entered by the developer. This value can be used to check data consistency and additional data after the billing is made.
ONE store is offering various benefit promotions for users, including discount coupons and cashback.
The developer can allow or limit the app user’s participation in the promotion by using the gameUserId, promotionApplicable parameters at the request of purchase.
If the developer sends the app’s unique user identification number and selects whether to participate in the promotion, ONE store will apply the user’s promotion benefits based on this value.
The gameUserId, promotionApplicable parameters are optional values and must be used after a prior consultation on the promotion with the person in charge of ONE store business department. In general cases, the values shall not be sent. In addition, if these values are sent after the prior consultation, gameUserId must be sent in a hashed unique value for protection of personal information.
The following example shows how to request the purchase of in-app.
If you call the launchPurchaseFlow() method, ONE store billing screen will be displayed.
Fig.1 shows ONE store in-app billing screen
Fig.1 ONE store in-app billing screen
If the billing is successful, the value will be transmitted through the PurchaseUpdatedListener interface, which has been implemented with setListener() when PurchaseClient is initialized.
The following example shows how to process the value transmitted as the response when the billing is successful.
If the billing is successful, a purchase token will be generated. The purchase token is a unique identifier showing the purchase ID bought by the user. In the app, the purchase token can be stored in the local or security back-end server and can be used to check the purchase.
The purchase token for Managed product is unique for every purchase ID, however the purchase token for Monthly auto-renewal product remains the same while the in-app is being renewed.
The user also receives a transaction receipt containing a receipt number via email. As for Managed product, he/she will receive the email whenever purchasing this in-app. As for Monthly auto-renewal product, he/she will receive the email at the time of first purchase and every renewal afterwards.
If ONE store IAP library v6 (SDK V19) and above is used, purchase must be acknowledged within 3 days. Otherwise, it will be judged that the in-app has not been provided, and thereby the purchase amount will be refunded.
You can acknowledge the purchase by using one of the following methods.
If the in-app is consumable, use PurchaseClient.consumeAsync().
If the in-app is not consumable, use PurchaseClient.acknowledgeAsync().
As for Monthly auto-renewal product, you need to acknowledge the purchase only for the first billing.
The PurchaseData object includes the isAcknowledged() method, which shows if the purchase is acknowledged. If you use this method before acknowledging the purchase, you can figure out if the purchase has already been acknowledged.
The following example shows how to acknowledge the purchase of Monthly auto-renewal product.
Managed product cannot be re-purchased until the purchased in-app is consumed.
If Managed product is purchased but not consumed, then it can be used as non-consumable in-app. If Managed product is consumed immediately after the purchase, it can be used as consumable in-app. If it is consumed after a certain period, then it can be used as Monthly auto-renewal product.
Call up PurchaseClient.consumeAsync() to consume the in-app.
Generate the ConsumeParams object and enter PurchaseData received from ‘Check purchase history’ in it.
The following example shows how to consume Managed product.
Get the information on unconsumed Managed product and Monthly auto-renewal product in use by using the PurchaseClient.queryPurchasesAsync() method.
If you entered the public key while initializing PurchaseClient, perform the signature verification within the SDK to check whether the purchase details data is forged or falsified. If the verification fails, the error code of IapResult (ResponseCode.ERROR_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION) will be transmitted. If this error occurs, that indicates that the purchase result data is likely forged and falsified. In that case, you need to see if there have been any abusing attacks related to the purchase.
To allow the user to check the history of the purchase made in the app, call up queryPurchasesAsync() in PurchaseClient together with the in-app type as seen in the following example.
You can check the in-app details including the purchase status or time by calling a range of methods in the PurchaseData object. For the type of in-app details that you can check, refer to the method list of the PurchaseData class.
If you call queryPurchaseAsync(), you can figure out the history of all the purchases and uses in the app that the user would have made when the app is not running.
If you call queryPurchaseAsync(), you can also figure out the user’s purchase history, which has been omitted from the app for some reasons even though the user purchased the in-app while the app was executing.
queryPurchaseAsync() must be called for the following cases.
Whenever the app starts, call upon queryPurchaseAsync() to restore the user’s history of all the purchases, which have been made since the app stopped for the last time.
Call upon queryPurchaseAsync() in the onResume() method because the user might purchase when the app is in the background.
Monthly auto-renewal product is the in-app that will be automatically re-paid one month after its initial purchase to renew the use period.
By using the following method, you can change the Monthly auto-renewal product status even before the renewal.
You can check the status information through PurchaseData.getRecurringState() received from ‘Check purchase history’.
If you want to change the Monthly auto-renewal product status, call PurchaseClient.manageRecurringProductAsync()
The action value received from onRecurringResponse() transmits the currently-applied value. You can check it in PurchaseClient.RecurringAction. In addition, PurchaseData transmitted as the response result is the data received at the time of request, and therefore you need to receive once again the changed data through ‘Check purchase history’ and then you can check the changed RecurringState value.
Renewal cycle for Monthly auto-renewal product
The automatic payment for Monthly auto-renewal product shall be made at the same date as the purchased date. However, if the same date does not exist in the following month, the automatic payment shall be made at the last date of the following month.
If the first payment is made on January 31;
The renewal shall be made on February 28 or 29
The renewal shall be made on March 28 or 29
The following example shows how to change the Monthly auto-renewal product status.
ONE store IAP SDK works only while the user remains logged in to ONE store.
If there is the previous login history, ONE store will automatically log in. However, if ONE store login is needed, IapResult.getResponseCode() will be sent to RESULT_NEED_LOGIN from the response listeners of most APIs that the PurchaseClient instance requests.
When RESULT_NEED_LOGIN is sent, you can normally use the IAP SDK only after executing the method, which requests the login.
The following example shows how to request ONE store login.
In-app purchase is not available if ONE store service (OSS) version is low or none.
You can check it in IapResult.getResponseCode() when connecting through PurchaseClient.startConnection().
If RESULT_NEED_UPDATE occurs, you must call upon the launchUpdateOrInstallFlow() method.
The following example shows how to install OSS.
For IAP library V6 and above, the market identification code is necessary to use Server to Server API.
You can obtain the market identification code through getStoreInfoAsync().
The following example shows how to obtain the market identification code.