Introduction to ONE store In-App Purchases

What Is ONE store In-App Purchases?

  • ONE store In-App Purchases (IAP) is ONE store's service that allows you to sell to users in-app products within a developer's applications, issue invoice and make payment to the developer, using ONE store's authentication and billing system. To make a payment request for the developer's in-app products, the developer's apps will be interworked with the ONE store service (OSS), and the OSS makes the payment by interworking with ONE store's server infrastructure.

  • To use ONE store's IAP service in a developer's app, development can be made by using ONE store's IAP SDK (In-App Purchase Software Development Kit) or the AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language).

  • If a purchase request is made using ONE store's IAP interface, such request is delivered to ONE store's IAP server, and then the IAP server sends a result of the request to the developer's app.

Recommended Development Environment


  • OSS: ONE store service application

  • IAP : In-App Purchases

  • AIDL : Android Interface Definition Language

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