Introduction to ONE store In-App Purchases
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ONE store In-App Purchases (IAP) is ONE store's service that allows you to sell to users in-app products within a developer's applications, issue invoice and make payment to the developer, using ONE store's authentication and billing system. To make a payment request for the developer's in-app products, the developer's apps will be interworked with the ONE store service (OSS), and the OSS makes the payment by interworking with ONE store's server infrastructure.
The following shows ONE store's IAP service structure.
To use ONE store's IAP service in a developer's app, development can be made by using ONE store's IAP SDK (In-App Purchase Software Development Kit) or the AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language).
If a purchase request is made using ONE store's IAP interface, such request is delivered to ONE store's IAP server, and then the IAP server sends a result of the request to the developer's app.
The following development environment is required to apply the IAP SDK to applications for Android.
Android version 4.0 and above (API version 14 and above)
The following development environment is recommended for Eclipse.
OSS: ONE store service application
IAP : In-App Purchases
AIDL : Android Interface Definition Language