The ONE store Developer Center provides various security measures to ensure the safe management of valuable assets of sellers through ID/password-based authentication and offers the option to configure the optimal security environment considering the work environment.
Types of Security
Two-factor authentication settings
Login permission by countries/regions
Password change notification
Two-Factor Authentication Settings
This is a two-factor authentication service where, after entering your username and password during login, you must also input the authentication code issued through your pre-registered email address in order to login.
Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication
After login, click on 'Security > Two-Factor Authentication Settings' in the menu.
Under the 'Two-Factor Authentication Settings' section, click on the 'Set up' button.
Enter the 'Email Address' for two-factor authentication and click 'Next.'
After verifying your email address, click 'Confirm.'
Disabling Two-Factor Authentication
After login, click on 'Security > Two-Factor Authentication Settings' in the menu.
In the 'Two-Factor Authentication Settings' section, click the 'Disable' button.
Enter the authentication code sent to your email and click 'Confirm.'
Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication for Sub-Account
After login, click on 'My Account > Sub-Account Management' in the menu.
Click on the sub-account ID.
Click on the 'Set up' button under 'Two-Factor Authentication Settings.'
Enter the email address for two-factor authentication and click 'Next.'
Confirm the sub-account and email address, then click 'Confirm.'
Disabling Two-Factor Authentication for Specific IP Only
On the login screen, if you select 'Disable two-factor authentication login on this IP' during the two-factor authentication process, you can login with just a password from the next login.
Please use this feature only in secure connection environments.
If you wish to disable this function, delete the 'Access permission IP' in 'Security > Two-Factor Authentication Settings.'
Login Permission by Country/Regions
This feature allows login from specific countries/regions based on the IP information when accessing the Developer Center. It can also be set for sub-accounts. If your access countries/regions changes due to overseas business trips, make sure to update your settings in advance.
Setting Up Login Permission by Country/Regions
After login, click on 'Security > Login Permission by Country/Regions' in the menu.
In the 'Permitted countries/regions settings' section, select 'Permitted countries/regions designation (up to 5 countries).'
Choose the countries/regions you want to allow login from on the left countries/regions list and click the '>' button.
Confirm the 'Selected Country/Regions List' and click 'Save.'
Disabling Login Permission by Country/Regions
After login, click on 'Security > Login Permission by Country/Regions' in the menu.
In the 'Permitted countries/regions settings' section, select 'Do not designate.'
Click the 'Save' button.
Password Change Notification
You can receive notifications via email when the password for your main account or sub-accounts is changed.
Setting Up Password Change Notification
After login, click on 'Security > Password Change Notification' in the menu.
In the 'Notifications' section, select 'Use.'
After verifying the configured email address, click 'Confirm.'
If you receive a password change notification but haven't changed your password, please reset your password through 'Find password.'
Disabling Password Change Notification
After login, click on 'Security > Password Change Notification' in the menu.
In the 'Notifications' section, select 'Do not use.'
Click 'Confirm.'
Last updated