About Application License Checker(ALC)
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ALC(Application License Checker) is a library that allows access only to users who have installed products through ONE store.
When ALC is applied, you can check in real time whether you have a license (installed through ONE store) and allow access only to valid users.
As a network-based service, ALC makes an inquiry to the ONE store server to decide if the current user has a valid license. The application will send this inquiry to the ONE store service (OSS), which is installed on the terminal, and the OSS will send the inquiry to and receive the result from the ONE store server.
ALC Library
It provides a downloadable library that makes it easy to verify a license on an application. The library will be in charge of all the functions needed for the application to communicate with the ONE store service (OSS) and the ONE store server, and the application can confirm the validity of the user’s license by using the api provided from the library.
Recommended Development Environment : To apply the ALC library to the application, the following development environment is required: - Android 5.0 or higher(API ver 21 or higher) - Java SDK 1.6 - Android studio 3.0 or higher
Step 1. Go to the ‘Apps > Register App' menu and enter the title of product and package name to be registered.
Step 2. Confirm the public key (license key) on the 'My Applications > Manage License' menu after selecting the app you registered. The public key is required when using the ALC library.
Step 3. Develop the app in accordance with the library application guides. Refer to here for the library guides.
Step 4. You can check whether the license is applied or not before selling the app. You can register a tester at the ‘Manage ALC Test’ of the ‘Manage License’ menu. Once the tester is registered, such tester will be treated as having a normal license irrespective of the purchase of the application in question. When the tester is removed, the license will be treated as being deleted.
Check the ONE store ID (the ONE store user account) to be used as a test ID. * Register the account enrolled in the ONE store as the test account. (Available types of ID: ONE store, Never, Facebook, and Google IDs)
After checking the searched test ID, select the ‘Register’ button to register a tester.
You can remove the registered tester at the ‘Manage Test ID’ tab.
Step 5. You can upload the APK for sales and identify whether the ALC is applied.
When applied: the api version in the library is exposed (ex. 1)
Check the followings before applying the ALC library.
The registration of the ALC tester applies only to a single application. If you want to perform the ALC test on different applications, you need to newly register a tester on the ‘Manage License’ menu of the products in question.
The ALC test environment is irrelevant to the Sandbox for In-App tests.
The ONE store service (OSS) must be installed on the user’s device.
The terminals distributed by carriers have the ONE store service (OSS) on default. However, Open Market Devices (OMD) and the terminals only for overseas market are not basically equipped with the OSS, so you are required to download the latest version of the OSS through the link below. Download here
You can download the Application License Checker (ALC) library through the git hub.
If not applied: it is exposed as ‘Not Use’.