ONE store In-App Purchase Version

ONE store In-App Purchase Versions

  • ONE store's IAP version means the API version, and in this document, two types of the IAP version are described as follows:

    • API version : it means ONE store's In-App Purchase API version. If there is a significant change in the API, change this version. This document is created based on API V5, the latest version, which is referred to as 'API V5'.

    • SDK version : this version means In-App Purchase SDK version. It changes depending on the degree of impact of the improved contents. This document is created based on SDK V17.01.00, the latest version, which is referred to as 'SDK V17'.

      API version
      SDK version

      API V5

      SDK V17.02.00 SDK V17.01.00

      Latest version

      API V4

      SDK V16.04.xx SDK V16.03.xx SDK V16.02.xx SDK V16.01.xx

      API V3

      SDK V15.xx.xx


    • The API version is required to be specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file of a developer's applications

    • refer to '4. Preparatory Work' > 'Set Android Manifest File (refer to ' 4. Preparatory Work' > 'Set Android Manifest File')

Characteristics of ONE store In-App Purchase V5

  • Improvements made in IAP V5 (SDK V17) are as follows.

    Improvement Details


    Introduce 'Consume' concept

    If an item is failed to be provided, a logic is provided for recovery of the item in the app.

    Provide support for Custom PID

    Developers can directly enter an In-App ID (PID), and therefore create and manage an intuitive PID.

    Provide a universal IAP interface

    Apps which have been developed for other markets can be launched on ONE store without significant development efforts made in coding.

    Billing Test Environment

    Provide separate development/commercial test environments

    ONE store's test environment is provided which is almost equal to a developer's verification environment.In the development environment of developers, development/tests can be performed by being interworked with ONE store's Sandbox. The commercial environment of developers enables billing to be made in ONE store's commercial environment. In case when the billing is made by logging in to ONE store with an ID which is registered as ONE store ID on ONE store's Developer Center, developers are allowed to freely cancel the purchase.


    Development Environment

    Commercial Environment

    ONE store




    Commercial Environment (billing)





    Development Environment

    Commercial Environment

    ONE store




    Commercial Environment (billing)



    Payment Window UI

    Available to select a full payment screen, a payment pop-up screen.

    In addition to the existing full payment screen, a pop-up payment screen is newly provided. Among these two types of the payment screen, you set the screen in the app depending on the UI style you prefer.(refer to '4. Preparatory Work' > 'Set Android Manifest File')

    Interworking Method

    IAvailable to select IAP SDK, and AIDL

    Not only through the existing SDK method, you can directly interwork with the OSS by using AIDL.

    However, IAP does not work in terminals without the OSS installed (refer to '4. Preparatory Work' > ' Install ONE store App )

    Developer Center

    Improve a feature for crawling other market's app product information.

    Apps which were already registered on other markets can be easily registered on ONE store.

    Provide a feature to 'import' in-app product information from other markets.

    Authentication Center

    Issue/Authenticate/Manage OAuth

    Data security is enhanced at the time when a developer's server and ONE store's IAP server are interworked with each other.

    API V4
    API V5


    Managed product


    Non-Renewable In-App

    One-day-pass, one-week-pass, one-month-pass, one-year-pass



  • The types of in-app products in IAP V4 and V5 change as follows. Non-Consumable and Consumable products can be implemented with managed products.

  • For more details, refer to '3. In-App Purchase Process'

Detailed Comparison with Key Features of Google In-App Billing

ONE store
Google Play

Service initialization

Not provided

Not provided (service binding)

Check support for in-app purchases


isBillingSupported isBillingSupportedExtraParams

Get information about In-App product



In-App purchase request

getPurchaseIntent getPurchaseIntentExtraParams


Check if in-app products can be purchased

Not provided

Not provided

Check purchase history


getPurchases : the purchases which are currently owned but not consumed getPurchasesHistory : the recent purchases: including the ones expired, cancelled and consumed

Request the 'change the subscription status'(the role differs from Google API)



Consume the in-app product



Get the purchase ID

Not provided

Not provided

Service termination

Not provided

Not provided (service binding)

ONE store login request


Not provided

Migration to API V5

  • Once you have adopted an API V4(below SDK V16.04.00) in your app, you are not allowed to upgrade it to the API V5(SDK V17).

  • You can maintain your app without applying the newest SDK, and ONE store will continuously support the billing services for the API V4.

Last updated