
public static @interface PurchaseFlowParams.ProrationMode com.gaa.sdk.iap.PurchaseFlowParams.ProrationMode Proportional distribution mode for upgrading or downgrading subscriptions.



int UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIPTION_UPGRADE_DOWNGRADE_POLICY Unspecified status value Constant Value: 0


int IMMEDIATE_WITH_TIME_PRORATION The replacement will take effect immediately, and the new expiration time will be proportionally distributed and deposited or charged to the user (default). Constant Value: 1


int IMMEDIATE_AND_CHARGE_PRORATED_PRICE The replacement will take effect immediately and the billing cycle will remain the same. You will be charged for the remainder of the period. Constant Value: 2


int IMMEDIATE_WITHOUT_PRORATION The replacement will take effect immediately and you will be charged the new price on the next payment date. The billing cycle will remain the same. Constant Value: 3


int DEFERRED When an existing plan expires, a replacement will take effect and you will be charged a new rate simultaneously. Constant Value: 4

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